同人誌は成人限定のBLオンリー。あとは個人的にシャチ好きなので、シャチグッズ( ´∀`)bグッ!
Doujinshi is an adult-only BL only. I personally like killer whales, so killer whale goods (´∀ `) b!
We will produce an original killer whale mug (other goods can be used if pixiv is on-demand). Please contact us from “Contact Us” for details and requests. You can choose not only the individual but also the content and color of the text.
Other than on-demand products, we are committed to prompt transactions.
If you are in a hurry or have an inquiry about inventory, please feel free to contact us from “Inquiries to the Shop” (* ´∀ ` *)
Icon illustration:㌧ https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1916355